Is psychology a hard major | Expert Opinion |

Did you think the brain, which has the potential to bifurcate multiple tasks, would be easy to understand and study?

So the answer to the query is psychology a hard major, is Yes. 

As most of us think, psychologists see our faces and will get to know what’s going on in our minds, while it’s completely illogical. There is a complete process that involves examining the thought process of one mind.

In discussion with one of the licensed psychologists, he acknowledged that there are various key filters on which they map down the human mind and draw the output.

As per the career aspect, psychology as a major is a vast field. You will get opportunities in various sectors such as military, school, and corporate with good pay scales. 

Before we move further to look into the reasons – is a psychology degree hard, I suggest you learn more about psychology, as different types of psychologists and licenses have their prerequisites. Getting into the articles below will provide you with a proper pathway to pursue psychology.

What makes psychology a hard major

Types of Classes 

Most of the psychology major classes are theoretical. Still, to map down the research and observations made from the theory, the curriculum includes classes in mathematics topics, introductory algebra, and statistics. In the lab course, you will have natural science.

Students who have a rivalry with math might face some difficulty in the psychology major statistics.


In the undergrad psychology majors, you will get the foundation classes, which include time spent on reading, as each class has theories and research (0 to 150 pages). With this, you also work on the assignments (1000 to 2500 words) and additional short answer and multiple choice quizzes (weekly). 

An in each semester, you incur 15 credits, which includes 4 to 5 classes. With all aspects you can understand being a pshychology student work load will be high, for some of them who don’t have the attribute of time management for them work load can be a major factor to consider pshycology as a hard major.

University you choose

The influence of university plays a vital role in a psychology major. Getting into a good university will help you with in-depth studies, help with job outreach, and allow you to work more on real-time experiments. 

And if your university is in a good location, such as California, then you will have more options for internships under licensed psychologists. In a good university, you will get mentors to help you make decisions in your psychology career.

Getting into a university that doesn’t have an impulsion for a psychology major is one of the factors that makes considering a psychology degree difficult.

Demotivate Facts

This is why people think psychology is a hard major. Most of them are influenced by the opinion that there are not many jobs in psychology and low pay scales, 

You should avoid these facts, and if you choose a psychology major as your interest, you should go for this. As per facts, it’s the fourth selected choice in the majors, and BLS reports it has been found that in 2022 to 2032, there is 6 per cent growth, which is about 12000 jobs as a licensed psychologist.

is psychology hard

You got the reason for your query: is psychology a hard major? Before you step into this major, I recommend you work on skills such as communication, critical thinking, listening, and patience. It would be best if you had shadowing hours with a licensed psychologist.

At last, psychology is less complicated than STEM majors; if you have a positive mindset and interest in your career, you can easily overcome any hurdle.

You can email me or comment if you have any questions about psychology or any other career. And if you think I need to include any point in this article and have any additional suggestions, please share. We appreciate our reader’s suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Psychology is not tough in their undergrad studies; if you go with a master’s in psychology, you will get advanced statistics, which is tough.

Compared to the STEM majors, psychology is less challenging. You will get a few topics of math and natural science, which is not much tough to learn in undergrad studies.

About the author ....

Hi, I’m Erie Wilson “Think Tank” of this blog. Sharing knowledge related to career decisions since 2020, If you have any doubts related to choosing majors or searching for colleges, you are free to ask in the comments or send me an email.