Top 10 Highest Paid Doctors Specialties |With Pay Scale & Future Trend|

Highest Paid Doctors

In the recent report of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s been found that specialized physicians have flagged off top position in the “Highest Paid Occupation list of US 2022” with an average salary package of $ 261k. The report also claims employment growth of physicians will be 4 percent in the decade of 2019 to 2029. Who … Read more

How to choose a medical school | Get Your Roadmap Now |

How to choose a medical school

Selecting a medical school is an essential step to begin your journey for a successful doctor; one should never forget that while treating a patient, it’s not necessary from which college you have been studied, your learning and experience will revive the patient from a health problem, so it depends on you, whether you want … Read more

List of DO Schools in California | Updated MCAT Score and GPA |

DO schools in california

DO stands for “Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine,” under this medical field, students learn about whole-body treatment, including the usage of modern technology and alternative treatment. DO are known for the prevention of disease rather than cure. If you check out, there is not much difference in the DO and MD curriculum; both undergo classroom study and clinical … Read more